Sunday, August 26, 2007

Not for the faint of heart ...

As Brady mentioned, there should be gin-soaked vagina photos on this web-site.

So here and now is the inaugural photo of a gin-soaked vagina.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Tom waits very patiently

I have been wondering why the song "In the Neighborhood" has been going through my mind from the inception of The Gin-Soaked Vagina. I now know. There's a song on Swordfishtrombone (which I can't recall) called "Gin Soaked Boy". "In the Neighborhood" was one of my favorites off that album. Brains are weird. I'm going to go see if my audiophile neighbor happens to have that one. You never know. Otherwise I can get a copy for about 8 dollars.

Just want to see what a second post looks like

Again, no substance. I selected this new canned template because I thought it looked sufficiently "gin-soaked vaginaesque", but I couldn't tell for sure with a solitary post. Hopefully this will help. Random draw-ring to add interest to nothing post.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Nothing to see here

I just figure at some point in the future I might need a blog called Gin soaked Vagina.